Young Tyrannosaurus' dietary secrets revealed through fascinating stomach fossils

A paleontologist in Canada has discovered the skeleton of a 75-million-year-old baby dinosaur of the species Gorgosaurus libratus. The find is particularly important because its stomach contained the remains of two young Citipes elegans dinosaurs.

Gorgosaurus libratus is a type of carnivorous dinosaur that belongs to the tyrannosaurid group. These dinosaurs were often found in Asia and North America around 66-80 million years ago during the Cretaceous period.

Tyrannosaurids are not small dinosaurs. They are huge predators that lived on Earth. They start from small babies a few meters long, then grow into very large creatures, reaching sizes of 9-12 meters and weighing 2-6 thousand kilograms as adults.

Tyrannosaurs underwent major changes in the way they ate as they aged. When they were young, they had slender bodies, sharp teeth and narrow skulls. However, as they grew older, they became larger with large skulls and strong teeth, capable of crushing bones.

These changes suggest that tyrannosaurs changed the way they ate over time. They may have had different roles in their environment throughout their lives, such as preying on large plant-eating dinosaurs, such as ceratopsids, giant ornithomimosaurs, hadrosaurids and sauropods.

Tyrannosaurs only developed this ability as they grew into juveniles or early adults. Unfortunately, fossil evidence of how young tyrannosaurs ate is still very limited, so there is still much to understand about how these iconic predators ate.

Para peneliti menemukan dua dinosaurus kecil di perut spesimen Gorgosaurus libratus. Mereka menjelaskan bahwa sebelum makhluk itu mati, dinosaurus pemakan daging tersebut mencabik dua dinosaurus muda mirip burung herbivora dari spesies Citipes elegans.

Tyrannosaurus muda ini tidak menelan seluruh mangsanya. Mereka memilih untuk memakan bagian belakangnya, yang lebih banyak dagingnya. Dinosaurus yang mereka buru termasuk caenagnathid, yang mirip dengan Oviraptor di Asia, seperti yang diungkap oleh para peneliti.

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